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Monday, 17 August 2015

Flamborough Sun day

I headed off to Flamborough this morning, after all the rain at the end of last week there had been a few early drift migrants along the coast and a Red Backed Shrike remained down Old Fall Hedge, it wasn’t a very showy individual though and disappeared for long periods, clouds of Butterflies around as well in the nice sunny weather including a few Painted Ladies. Went off to Thornwick Pools next where a Little Stint and Wood Sandpiper showed extremely well as they fed close to the hide, the angle of the sun made the lighting a bit harsh though, then with nothing else turning up and it being a nice sunny afternoon I decided to have a couple of hours at Bempton, plenty of Gannets, Kittiwakes and Fulmars around but I was a bit surprised that all the Auks have gone already not even any sat on the sea, I finished the day with a late afternoon seawatch off the Head but it proved very quiet, the best of it being a single Arctic Skua  north and a Whimbrel south.
Imm Red Backed Shrike

also some rather smart looking juv Whitethroats but little else

plenty of Butterflies though


adult Little Stint


and Wood Sandpiper

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