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Monday, 2 June 2014


Once again all the mid-week goodies had cleared out by the weekend although a Golden Oriole and Red Breasted Flycatcher remained at Spurn Sunday morning so I headed off there, I timed it well and within 5 mins of arriving at Sammy’s Point, where they both had been reported from, I got a decent flight view of the Oriole as it flew from one side to the other with another good flight view some 15 mins later as it flew back across, there was no further sign of the Flycatcher though despite having a good stomp round. The rest of the day was spent just wandering around hoping to find more migrants but with no luck, a handful of Little Terns were over a pretty dry Kilnsea Wetlands despite all the rain. Late afternoon I went back to Sammy’s but there were no more sightings of the Oriole although a Barn Owl was out hunting along the approach road and a couple of Cuckoo’s showed well.
Swallows are nesting in Canal Scrape Hide again
and regularly perching on posts in front

pair of Reed Buntings busily feeding young

a few Little Terns flitting around

a Barn Owl out hunting very early

and a couple of Cuckoo's showing well

Grass Rivulet Moth

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